Friday, 17 September 2010

Aerobatic attacks by Masked Lapwings defending their fluffy babies

Yesterday, we were on our way for a walk of the Macedon Ranges countryside. Hubert Weisrock parked his car nearby a pond that was formed from a disused quarry in Quarry Road, Woodend. 

We observed two Masked Lapwings on an island not far from the shore who became quickly on edge, and it was apparent that they were the parents of some fluffy babies. Those birds viewed us as intruders/predators and began a series of amazing spectacular aerobatic attacks to deter our advance and draw us away from their territory and nesting site. These birds are notorious for defending their nesting sites in particular after their chicks have hatched. It was quite an experience to see these bold determined birds in action!

These pictures were taken by Hubert Weisrock photographer extraordinaire. He teaches photography and digital imaging at the Woodend Neighbourhood Centre.

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