Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Aggressive Australian Magpies

Australian magpies are common and conspicuous birds that live year round in territories that are actively defended by their group members. The group depends on its territory for food and drink, roosting and nesting. These haughty melodic birds normally live harmoniously and in close proximity with humans, and it’s impossible to avoid crossing their territories.

However, it’s early Spring and that’s Australian magpie breeding season, and Australians start scanning the skies for a crazy black and white bundle of feathers that can be frightening at this time of year. Many of us have childhood memories of aggressive magpies, and indeed, a national survey found that 90 per cent of males and 72 per cent of females were attacked by a magpie at some time in their life! I was swooped twice this week although not actually pecked. So take care!

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